How To File An Amendment For An Oklahoma Corporation

Step By Step Guide To Oklahoma Corporation Amendments

How to file an Oklahoma Corporation Amendment:

You amend the articles of your Oklahoma Corporation by submitting the Amended Certificate of Incorporation form by mail, in person or by fax, along with the filing fee to the Oklahoma Secretary of State. You can also file an amendment online in Oklahoma at the link found below.

Can you restate the initial articles instead of filing an amendment?

Are there any specifics you can or can’t include with an Oklahoma Corporation amendment?

You may make a change to any of the original articles as long as the amendments are approved by the board of directors and shareholders.

How much does an Oklahoma Corporation amendment cost?

To amend your corporation in Oklahoma, there is a $50 minimum filing fee required. If the authorized capital is increased in excess of $50,000, the filing fee is equal to 1/10% of the increase.

How long does it take the state to process an Oklahoma Corporation amendment?

Normal processing: Approximately one week.
Expedited processing: One day.
Online filing: One day.

How will the corporation amendment be returned?

Oklahoma will mail you a receipt that your amendment was processed in the form of a certificate.

What state agency do you file an amendment with?

Oklahoma Secretary of State
Business Filing Department
2300 N. Lincoln Blvd., Room 101
Oklahoma City, OK 73105-4897
(405) 521-3912
Fax: (405) 521-3771

Can you change the Oklahoma corporate officers, directors or shareholders on an amendment?

You can amend articles to change directors but not officers or shareholders.

Can you change the Oklahoma registered agent on the amendment?

Yes, you can change your registered agent in Oklahoma right on the amendment form.

Can you change the principal office address and/or the mailing address on a corporation amendment?

Oklahoma only wants to know the address of your registered agent, and incorporators or directors.